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 practice questions: part 1, part 2, part3

IELTS speaking

Real test questions are developed by IELTS writers and therefore unique; however, the good news is that you don't have to be an expert on any particular subject: the topics covered are general, not specialist, intended for all test takers, regardless of their background. Still, to pass successfully, it's important to be able to talk about a wide range of topics, both everyday, familiar and more abstract ones.
This page contains questions, matching IELTS format and themes, I've designed to help you practice IELTS Speaking. You are welcome to use them for self-study or as lesson materials (please cite this source in this case). 

Part 1 - the examiner will ask you general questions about yourself and a range of familiar topics, such as home, family, work, studies and interests. This part lasts between four and five minutes.

Part 2 - you will be given a card which asks you to talk about a particular topic. You will have one minute to prepare before speaking for up to two minutes. The examiner will then ask one or two questions on the same topic.

Part 3 - you will be asked further questions about the topic in Part 2. These will give you the opportunity to discuss more abstract ideas and issues. This part of the test lasts between four and five minutes. (IELTS Test Format, 2019).

Click to read about how your speaking is assessed.

Explore my band 9.0 Speaking model answers here

Speaking Part 1

speaking Part 1 

1. Home 
  • Do you live in a big flat/house?
  • How long have you lived there?
  • Who do you live with?
  • Would you like to live in a bigger or smaller flat/house than the one you are living in now?
  • What do you like about your flat/house?
  • Would you like to design your own home? 
  • Is there anything you'd like to change about your flat/house?
  • Are you planning to move to another flat/house in the near future?
2. Hometown
  • What city or town do you come from?
  • What's the best thing about your hometown?
  • If you could change something about your hometown, what would it be?
  • What's the best place to go out where you live now?
  • Is your city/ town very busy?
  • What's your favourite street in the city/town where you live? 
3. Work/ study 
  • Do you work or study?
  • What's the best thing about your work/studies?
  • Is there anything that you don't really like about your work/studies?
  • Do you prefer to work/study alone or with other people?
  • Tell me about a professional/study skill you are good at.
  • Tell me about a professional/study goal you want to achieve.
  • Have you ever had an argument with your boss/teacher?
4. Trees 
  • Are there many trees where you live?
  • Is there a type of tree you particularly like?
  • Do you think it's a good idea to grow a tree at home?
  • Do you like to spend time in places where there are many trees?
  • Have you ever planted a tree?
  • Would you help someone plant a tree?
5. Personal journals/ diaries 
  • Did you ever keep a personal journal or a diary when you were a child?
  • Why do you think some adults keep a personal journal/diary?
  • Do you think keeping a personal journal/diary can help you be more efficient?
  • What are some things people write about in their personal journals/diaries?
  • Do you think it's a good idea to keep your personal journal/diary secret?
  • Is it ok to read your friend's personal journal/diary?
6. Hats 
  • Do you often wear a hat when it's cold?
  • Do you wear hats in the summer?
  • Are hats more popular with men or women where you live?
  • When you were a child, did you wear a hat often?
  • Is style important to you when you choose a hat?
  • Do you think it's a good idea to make your own hat?
  • Why do you think some people don't like to wear hats?
  • Do you think you'll wear a hat anytime soon?  
7. Sugar and desserts   
  • Do you take sugar in your tea/coffee?
  • Do you use much sugar in cooking?
  • Did you eat more sugar when you were a child than you do now?
  • Do you have a favourite dessert?
  • Do you think a box of chocolates are a good birthday present?
  • Do you think it's a good idea to give sweets to children to reward them for good behaviour?
  • Would you be able to live without any sugar at all?
  • Do you use any healthier alternatives to sugar?
8. Waking up 
  • Do you use an alarm clock to wake up in the morning?
  • Do you wake at the same time every day?
  • When you were a child, who usually woke you up?
  • Do you normally wake up feeling energised or tired?
  • Have you ever overslept and missed something important?
  • Do you ever worry you'll miss the alarm clock and oversleep?
  • Would you like to wake up earlier or later than you usually do?
9. Furniture 
  • Do you have much furniture at home?
  • Do you have a favourite piece of furniture?
  • Who chose the furniture that you have in your home? 
  • Have you ever shopped for furniture?
  • Is the style of furniture important to you?
  • Do you prefer furniture that is handmade or mass produced?
  • Would you like to learn how to make your own furniture?
10. Bags and baggage
  • Do you always carry a bag with you when you go out?
  • Have you ever been given a bag as a gift?
  • Was your school bag very heavy?
  • Have you ever bought a very expensive bag?
  • Will you need to buy a new bag soon?
  • When you travel, do carry a lot of baggage?
  • Has your baggage ever been lost? 
11. Mobile phones
  • How old were you when you got your first mobile phone?
  • Is it common for young children to have mobile phones in your country? 
  • Do you prefer to call or send texts?
  • Will you need to call many people today?
  • Do you often put your phone on airplane/flight mode?
  • How often do you need to charge your mobile phone?
  • Would your life be difficult without a mobile phone?
12. Hairstyles
  • Do you often go to a hairdresser's/barbershop?
  • Did you have longer or shorter hair when you were younger?
  • Do you have a favourite shampoo or conditioner?
  • Have you ever had your hair dyed?
  • Would you be able to cut somebody else's hair?
  • Do you know someone who changed their hairstyle/haircut dramatically?
  • Is there a celebrity whose haircut/hairstyle you really like?
13. Electric transport 
  • Is personal electric transport popular in your country?
  • Are there any electric taxi services where you live?
  • Have you ever driven or ridden in an electric car?
  • Would you like to buy an electric vehicle?
  • Would an electric bike or scooter be a good way to get to where you study/work?
  • Do you think more people in your city/town will use personal electric transport in the future?
14. Swimming 
  • Are you a good swimmer?
  • Who taught you to swim?
  • What's a good place to go swimming where you live?
  • Do you prefer to swim in warm or cool water?
  • Have you ever swum outside in cold weather?
  • Is swimming a common sport in schools in your country?
  • Would you like to be a professional swimmer?
15. Housework 
  • Who does most of the housework at your home?
  • Is there any kind of housework you enjoy doing?
  • What's your least favourite type of housework?
  • Have you ever had an argument about housework?
  • Did your parents ask you to do a lot of housework when you were a child?
  • Would you hire a professional to do housework for you? 
16. Snow 
  • Does it snow a lot where you are from?
  • Do you enjoy being outside when it's snowing?
  • Why do many people consider snow beautiful?
  • Have you ever made a snowman?
  • Have you ever been late somewhere because of snow?
  • Would you prefer to live somewhere where it snows a lot or where it never does?
17. Lamps and light
  • Do you prefer natural or artificial light?
  • Do you have lamps with warm (yellow) or cold (white) light at home? 
  • Do you often need to change a lightbulb?
  • Have you ever had to use candles because there was no light at home?
  • Would you buy a lamp of unusual colours for you home, for example red or blue?
18. Walking
  • How much do you walk daily? 
  • Do you prefer to walk slower or faster?
  • Do you find that walking relaxes you?
  • Where is a nice place to take a walk in your town/city?
  • Did you have to walk much to get to school when you were a child?
  • Have you ever used a mobile app or device to calculate how much you have walked?  
19. Meeting new people
  • Is it easy for you to make new friends?
  • Where do you normally meet new people?
  • Have you ever made a new friend through a social network?
  • Are you still friends with anyone you met when you were a child?
  • Will you be meeting new people at work or school soon?
  • Would you like to attend a workshop about making a good impression on new people?
20. Museums
  • Are there many museums where you live?
  • Which museum would you recommend to a tourist in your town/city?
  • When was the last time you went to a museum?
  • Do you prefer an audio guide, a real person or no one at all to tell you about museum exhibits?
  • Have you ever been bored in a museum?
  • Would you want to have something you created to be exhibited in a museum?
21. Cartoons 
  • Did you watch many cartoons when you were little?
  • Do you ever watch cartoons now?
  • Is there a cartoon you have watched more than once?
  • Which is more fun for you: watching a cartoon alone or with someone else?
  • If there is a cartoon and a film with the same story (like 101 Dalmatians), which will you watch?
  • Would you be interested in learning about how cartoons are made?
22. Being angry 
  • Do you get angry easily?
  • Do you think other people can tell when you are angry?
  • Did you get into fights when you were angry with your classmates at school?
  • What do you do when someone else gets angry with you?
  • Have you ever been so angry at someone that you stopped talking to them for a while?
  • Would you participate in a workshop on anger management?
23. Listening to music 
  • What device do you usually use to listen to music?
  • Do you normally download music or listen to it online?
  • How do you choose what music to listen to?
  • Have you ever owned a pair of headphones that are very high quality?
  • What sort of music did you listen to when you were younger?
  • Would you play music out loud from your mobile in a public place?
  • Would you go to a music festival that lasts a few days?
24. Dreaming 
  • Do you spend much time dreaming about the future?
  • Did you ever dream to become famous?
  • Have you ever written down your dreams?
  • Do you think dreaming helps people achieve their goals?
  • Did you dream more often when you were younger?
  • Do you know anyone who makes dream collages (posters with their dreams and goals visualised)? 
25. Relaxing
  • What do you like to do to relax?
  • Did you do the same things to relax when you were younger?
  • Is it easier for you to relax when you are alone or with other people?
  • Have you ever learnt a special relaxation technique?
  • Would you take a drug to relax?
  • Are you often unable to relax?
  • Are people in your country generally relaxed?
Speaking Parts 2 & 3

speaking Parts 2 & 3 

1. Mood
Part 2

Describe an activity you do to improve your mood.

You should say:

  • what the activity is              

  • how often you do it 

  • where you do it 

and explain why it helps you to improve your mood. 


Part 3 

  • What are some common ways to improve one's mood?

  • Do social networks improve our mood or make it worse?

  • Is it possible to be in a good mood most of the time?

  • Why are some people optimists and others pessimists?

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of being optimistic about life?


2. Ownership 

Part 2

Describe something that you really wanted to own as a child. 

You should say:

  • what you wanted to own                

  • how you wanted to use it 

  • whether or not you got what you wanted

and explain why you wanted this so much 


Part 3 

  • What things do young children usually want their parents to buy them?

  • Should parents try to give their children everything they ask for?

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of growing up in a very wealthy family?

  • Are the things younger and older people want to own similar or different?

  • Why does getting what we wanted not always make us happy?

3. Travelling  

Part 2

Describe a place you've seen on TV or online that you'd like to visit.

You should say:

  • what the place is              

  • how easy it would be to visit it

  • what you would do there

​and explain why you would like to visit this place 


Part 3 

  • What sort of places do people in your country prefer to visit on holiday?

  • Are the places people wanted to visit on holiday in the past few centuries different from those they would like to go to these days?

  • Does travelling make one a better person?

  • Do you think in the future more people will travel virtually, without actually leaving their homes?  

  • Do people get an objective view of a certain city or country when they see it on TV or in a film?

4. Memory   

Part 2

Describe someone you met only a few times who you remember very clearly. 

You should say:

  • who that person is

  • where you met          

  • what you did together

and explain why you remember him/her very clearly 


Part 3 

  • What things can people usually remember very well?

  • In what jobs is it particularly important to remember some information?

  • Do you know any techniques for memorising things?

  • Should schools teach students how to improve their memory?

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a very good memory?

  • What kind of technologies do you think may exist in the future to help people remember things better?

5. Food   

Part 2

Describe a type of food which you did not like as a child but like now. 

You should say:

  • what type of food it is  

  • when and where you tried it as a child 

  • what you did not like about it then

​and explain why you like it now 


Part 3 

  • What sort of food do children in your country like?

  • Should a parent ever make their child eat the food that the kid does not like?

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of having to cook your own meals when you are still a child?

  • Should cooking be taught as a school subject?

  • What are the benefits for a family/ partners of cooking a meal together?

  • Why do many people like the taste of some foods that are unhealthy?

  • Is it the schools' or parents' responsibility to ensure that children eat a healthy lunch at school?

6. Habits  

Part 2

Describe an activity you would like to do regularly that would make you more efficient.

You should say:

  • what the activity it is 

  • how you learnt about this activity

  • how often you would do this 

​and explain why this would make you more efficient  


Part 3 

  • What are some good habits that people like to have?

  • What habits should parents teach their children?

  • How long does it take to develop a new habit?

  • Why is it sometimes so difficult to break an old habit that is not wanted any more?

  • Is it true that it's impossible to quit an addiction but only possible to replace it with a less harmful one?

  • Should the government offer support to individuals who have an addiction to alcohol, smoking or drugs?

7. Social Skills 

Part 2

Describe a social skill you think you are good at.

You should say:

  • what the skill is 

  • how you learnt this skill

  • when and where you use it  

and explain why you think you are good at it. 


Part 3 

  • What social skills are the most important in today's world?

  • In schools, should social skills (e.g. effective communication, empathy, negotiation, etc) be taught as a separate subject or as part of different subjects?

  • Is going to parties a good way to develop one's social skills?

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of being very perceptive of (sensitive to) other people's emotions and feelings?

  • Do you think in the future social skills will be considered more important by employers than now?

8. Confidence  

Part 2

Describe a person who taught you to be more confident.

You should say:

  • who the person is

  • how you know him/ her

  • what kind of person he/she is 

and explain how they taught you to be more confident. 

Part 3 

  • In what areas of life is it especially important to be confident?

  • Why are some teenagers insecure?

  • How can someone who lacks self-confidence learn to become more confident?

  • Are confident people happier than those who lack confidence?

  • Can being confident cause any problems to anyone?

9. Books  

Part 2

Describe a non-fiction book you read (that you enjoyed).

You should say:

  • what the book is

  • what it is about

  • why you read it 

and explain what you liked/ disliked about the book

Part 3 

  • What age groups are most interested in non-fiction books in your country?

  • Somqe say non-fiction is boring. What is your opinion?

  • Do you think writing professionally is an interesting job?

  • Is it a good idea to watch a film based on the book you've read? What about watching the film first?

  • Why do some people dislike to read electronic books?

  • Do you think writing professionally is an interesting job?

  • Is it a good idea to watch a film based on the book you've read? What about watching the film first?

  • Why do some people dislike to read electronic books?


10. Sports facilities  

Part 2

Describe a sports facility you have attended.

You should say:

  • what the facility is

  • where it is located

  • what you did there

and explain what you liked/ disliked about the facility

Part 3 

  • Are there enough sports facilities where you live?

  • What sort of sports facilities are best for schools?

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a gym at work?

  • Why do some people have good sports facilities in their area but do not attend them?

  • Should sports facilities be free of charge for everyone?  

  • How will sports facilities develop in the future?

11. Hobbies  

Part 2

Describe a hobby you would like to spend more time doing.

You should say:

  • what the hobby is

  • how often you do it now

  • what you like/ dislike about doing it 

and explain why you would like to spend more time doing it

Part 3 

  • Are the hobbies popular with young and older people in your country similar or different?

  • Should parents help their children choose a hobby?

  • What are the benefits of having a hobby?

  • Why do some people choose hobbies that are expensive (e.g. car racing, collecting art etc.)?

  • Is it a good idea to have a job that is also a hobby?

12. Arguments  

Part 2

Describe a situation when you had an argument with someone you know.

You should say:

  • who the person was

  • what the argument was about

  • how you felt about this situation

and explain how you resolved it. 

Part 3 

  • What do people often argue about?

  • What are the benefits of arguing?

  • Are there situations when it is better not to argue?

  • Is it better to resolve an argument straightaway or after having some time to think about it?

  • Why do some people like to argue a lot and others don't?

  • Will there be more or less international conflicts in the future?

13. Technologies

Part 2

Describe a piece of technology you have used but don't use much any more.

You should say:

  • what the device was

  • what you used it for

  • how you liked/ disliked about it

and explain why you don't use the device much any more. 

Part 3 

  • What kind of electronic products are popular in your country?

  • Why do some people choose to live with less technologies in their lives?

  • Does using modern technologies make people more intelligent?

  • What sort of technologies need to be invented that could improve people's lives?

  • Could technologies put the human race in serious danger?

14. Professionalism

Part 2

Describe someone you know who became a great professional in his/ her field later in life.

You should say:

  • what the person is professional in

  • how you know him/ her

  • how he/ she became such a good professional

and explain what makes you think the person is good at what he/she does

Part 3 

  • What field do young people from your country often choose to specialise in?

  • What motivates people to become very good at what they do?

  • Is it more interesting to be an expert in one or several fields?

  • Are there any jobs women/ men are usually thought to be better at? Why is that?

  • Do you think in the future people will have to spend more or less time training to become a professional in a certain area?

15. Pets

Part 2

Describe someone you know who takes good care of his/ her pet.

You should say:

  • what the pet is

  • how you know the pet's owner

  • what he/ she does to take care of the pet

and explain why you think this person takes good care of his/ her pet.

Part 3 

  • What pets are easy/ difficult to look after?

  • Why do people decide to get a pet?

  • Should it be illegal to keep dangerous animals (e.g. deadly snakes, spiders or frogs)?

  • Can it ever be considered immoral to keep a pet?

  • What is the relationship between a pet and a human based on?


16. Health & Beauty 

Part 2

Describe a health/ beauty product you use that you like.

You should say:

  • what the product is

  • how you learnt about it

  • what effect it has 

and explain what you like about this product.

Part 3 

  • What do young people in your country do to stay healthy? What about older people?

  • What makes someone beautiful or handsome where you live?

  • Is beauty always a sign of good health?

  • Is promoting beauty a good idea?

  • What is the relationship between beauty and self-esteem?

  • How do you expect beauty standards to change in the next decade or two?

17. Storytelling 

Part 2

Describe a story/ tale you liked to listen to as a child.

You should say:

  • what the story was

  • who told it to you

  • how you felt when you listened to it  

and explain what you liked about this story.

Part 3 

  • Is it better for children to listen to stories or tales or watch cartoons?

  • Should children be allowed to listen to or watch scary stories?

  • What makes a story powerful and memorable?

  • What are the advantages of being a good storyteller?

  • How can reading traditional tales of a certain culture help to understand it better?

18. Changes 

Part 2

Describe a change you would like to see happen in your country.

You should say:

  • what the change is

  • how easy/ difficult it would be to make it happen

  • who it would affect 

and explain why you would like it to take place.

Part 3 

  • What are the most significant changes that happen in people's lives?

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of changing the country of living?

  • Is changing your appearance an effective way to invite changes into other areas of your life?

  • Some say people don't change. Do you agree?

  • What global changes need to be made to make our world better?

19. Writing 

Part 2

Describe a text you wrote at school/ work.

You should say:

  • what the text was

  • why you wrote it

  • how happy you were with what you wrote

and explain what was easy/ difficult about writing this text.

Part 3 ​

  • Is it important to teach children to have good handwriting? 

  • Should schools allow students to type everything instead of writing by hand?

  • What are the benefits of learning creative writing?

  • Do you think we'll soon have many books written by artificial intelligence?

  • What skills does one need to be a good writer?​

20. Weather & Climate

Part 2

Describe the kind of weather that you feel good in.

You should say:

  • what kind of weather it is

  • how often the weather is like that

  • why you like to do in this weather

and explain what about it makes you feel good.

Part 3 ​

  • Has the weather in your country changed over the last few decades?

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a place where the weather stays almost the same throughout the year?

  • Does climate affect people's personality?

  • How is a country's economy influenced by the weather and climate?

  • Can people prevent global warming?

21. Buying & Selling

Part 2

Describe something you are considering buying that costs a lot.

You should say:

  • what this thing is

  • how you found out about it

  • how useful it would be to have it

and explain how likely you are to buy it.

Part 3 ​

  • What do people in your country tend to spend a lot of money on?

  • What can children learn from buying and selling things?

  • Can being rich cause any problems?

  • The easiest way to stop liking something so much is to buy it. Do you agree?

  • Can money buy love?

  • To what extent should someone's worth be judged by their financial status?

22. Education 

Part 2

Describe a course (or subject) you would like to study.

You should say:

  • what the course is

  • where you can learn it

  • how easy/ difficult it would be to learn it

and explain why you would like to study this course 

Part 3 ​

  • What subjects are popular with young people these days?

  • What can be enjoyable about studying?

  • Do you think online learning is effective?

  • What difficulties can people face when studying abroad?

  • Does having a university degree make one a better person?

23. Accommodation  

Part 2

Describe a place where you enjoyed staying that was not your home.

You should say:

  • what the place was

  • why you were staying there

  • how long you were staying there

and explain what you enjoyed about your stay

Part 3 ​​​

  • Can a small hotel be better than a large one?

  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of working in a hotel?

  • Is camping the best way to appreciate nature?

  • Why do some people choose to share their accommodation with travellers for free (e.g. Couchserfing)?

  • Should luxury hotels be built in places that are very poor?

24. History

Part 2

Describe a historical period that would be interesting to live in.

You should say:

  • what the period is

  • how you learnt about it

  • how much you know about it

and explain what would be interesting about living during those times.

Part 3 ​​​

  • Which periods of history are the most important to learn about?

  • What's a good way for children to learn history? 

  • Why do some people enjoy watching historical dramas or reading historical fiction?

  • Is there ever an objective version of history?

  • Why do some countries have a more violent history than others?

  • How would the world be different if people stopped learning history? 

25. Entertainment

Part 2

Describe a place of entertainment you went to that you liked.

You should say:

  • what the place is

  • when you went there

  • who you went there with 

and explain what you liked about it

Part 3 ​​​

  • What kinds of entertainment do young people enjoy in your country? 

  • Should school activities be entertaining?

  • Do people in your country spend too much money on entertainment?

  • Why, as people grow older, the kinds of entertainment they choose, change?

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of working in the entertainment industry?

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