
Curriculum created to meet your individual needs & goals
Detailed comments on your writing & speaking
Flexible scheduling to match your lifestyle
Electronic access to all study materials (including self-study for 1000 hours+)
Personalised homework to maximise your progress
Additional guidance on improving your general English
Continuous offline support (via messengers or email)
Detailed personal analysis of your pronunciation
Clear step-by-step explanation of what makes you sound natural vs what creates a strong accent
Focus on the relevant features of pronunciation: individual sounds, word stress, intonation, rhythm, and connected speech
A variety of fun and useful activities
Developing your voice (pitch, volume, clarity, cleanliness, emotion, confidence etc.)
Continuous feedback on your performance
Recording your voice for homework (optional)
Optional focus on BBC English accent (RP British accent)

This is where your creative vision meets mine to design a course specially for you.
Setting and reaching your own aims and objectives
Respecting your learning style and preferences
Catering for your individual needs
Creating your individual learning path to achieve both your short and long-term goals
Electronic access to lesson and self-study materials
Personalised homework
Continuous offline support (via messangers or email)

All difficult things have their origin in that which is easy, and great things in that which is small.